Loudoun County Virginia luxury real estate & their builders are getting clobbered in the Northern Virginia luxury homes market. The homes are humungous and usually right on top of one another.
I really feel for the smaller Loudoun County home builders...It's funny but we ALL knew a slowdown in housing in the Loudoun County homes market was coming but when.
The cautious wrapped up their homes and lowered the prices or offered irresistible upgrades and kitchen table deals...Even offering huge bonuses to their realtor to get the job done.
Yet the lazy and lackadasical Loudoun County builders did nothing and today they are pretty well screwed.
Southern Loudoun Virginia which includes Middleburg is so beautiful that a super home will always sell...within reason.
Take a look at some of these fabulous Loudoun County estates.
Now is the time for prospective Loudoun Virginia luxury home investors to write ridiculous offers and grab the prize.
Oh but wait...maybe not today...It's going to get worse...
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