A classic brick Williamsburg style residence (C: 1948) designed by noted Charlottesville architect, Henderson Heyward * Just west of town on Old Ballard Road, this fine 3000+ fin SF home features two fireplaces, beautiful millwork and exquisite detailing * First floor with 9 ft. ceilings * Situated on a knoll and surrounded by towering hardwoods, the home enjoys sweeping views of surrounding hunt country and distant Blue Ridge foothills * unique opportunity in Meriwether Lewis district. 1475 Old Ballard Road, known as "Rolling Acres" (Eugenia Adams' home), was listed with Frank Quayle/RWR (MLS #439678) * it is currently "under contract" to my clients * List-It does not allow the same address (1475 Old Ballard) to be re-entered as an "active" listing, so I changed the address (merely for List-It entry purposes) to "1477 Old Ballard Road" - as a result, the original Rolling Acres residence and about 6.5 acres (to be determined by survey) is hereby offered for sale by the "Contract Purchaser" (Michael J. and Macy H. Lenox) * Please call agent (Brannock) 24 hours in advance to schedule an appointment * Contract Purchaser will build on adajacent land (fronting on Old Ballard Road with address TBD) and share part of driveway * the original Rolling Acres residence (address to remain "1475") - with views, +/- 6.5 private acres and towering hardwoods - presents an excellent investment at $799,000 in a neighborhood of many higher priced properties * Contract Purchaser (herein Seller) had the house inspected by Cavalier Inspections and will share the inspection report - house to be sold "as is" $799,000
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